Indian ace shooter Manu Bhaker faced difficulty while boarding a flight at Indira Gandhi International (IGI) airport in Delhi. Manu was traveling to Bhopal for training at Madhya Pradesh Shooting Academy. However, Manu Bhaker was stopped by Air India staff from boarding the flight as she was carrying her shooting equipment and ammunition.
Meanwhile, Manu Bhaker complained on Twitter that she had valid documents and Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) permit’s for the equipment but still she was stopped by the Air India staff.
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In a series of tweets, Manu wrote: “IGI Delhi. Going to Bhopal (MP Shooting Academy) For my training, I need to carry weapons and ammunition, Request @airindiain Officials to give little respect or at least don’t insult players every time, and please don’t ask for money. I Have @DGCAIndia permit @HardeepSPuri @VasundharaBJP.”
She further wrote: “Not allowing me to board flight AI 437 at IGI Delhi and asking now 10200rs Despite all valid Documentation and DGCA permit. On top of that Manoj Gupta, Air India in charge doesn’t recognize DGCA. @narendramodi @HardeepSPuri @AmitShah @VasundharaBJP shall I pay this Bribes or!!!!”
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While sharing the picture of Manoj Gupta from Delhi airport, Manu Bhaker wrote: “Think this type behaviour is not acceptable. Manoj Gupta is not even human. He is treating me like I am a criminal. Also his security in charge, such people need basic training of behavior. Hopefully, the Aviation ministry will find out and will send him to the right place @HardeepSPuri.”
Even as shooter Manu Bhaker thanked Union Sports Minister Kiren Rijiju for support. She wrote: “Thank you @KirenRijiju sir. Got boarded after strong support from all of you. Thank you, India.”
Furthermore, she wrote: “If you @airindiain will try to save culprits Manoj Gupta and that security person who’s pic I shared. You will further damage the reputation of Air India. They even snatched my mobile and deliberately deleted the pic which my mother captured during harassment.”
In her last tweet, shooter Manu Bhaker, on Delhi airport incident, wrote: “Thank you everyone and all who help me. Especially Who made my boarding possible. Few also think, maybe one-sided and I got an undue advantage. Sports ministry bears all my expenses spent by me in any form Very clear if I had to pay for any wrong or right reason its Govt money.”
Responding to one of Manu Bhaker’s tweets, Air India stated, “Dear Ms. Bhaker, Our Delhi Airport team has confirmed that the official at our counter had only sought valid documents as per rules for the carriage of your weapon on board.”
“In absence of the same, legitimate specified charges for the arms were conveyed to you. No one sought a ‘bribe’ as has been alleged. You were issued a boarding pass on your assurance of furnishing valid documents before boarding,” it stated.
“Immediately after the officially valid documents were shown by you at the boarding point, you were allowed to board. It may please be noted that Air India has always encouraged and respected Sportspersons and have many eminent sports legends working with us.”
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